Saturday, October 6, 2007

My (EiLynn) Journey into motherhood

Here's a very long version of my journey into motherhood...

I'm finally a mummy!!! I'm still in cloud 9 as I look down at baby Shawn seeing some resemblance of both Adrian and myself on his small face. The same kind I felt, when I just got married. Hmm, like you can't believe that your status has changed already.

It all happened so fast, no false labor or slight pain/contraction until that very morning. I even went out shopping eve of that day. My 1st sign was a few drops of blood the night before. I knew it would be soon, maybe a couple of days more. How very wrong I was. The very next morning, at 6.15am, I was awakened by a slight contraction. I waited till Adrian's alarm went off at 6.30. I also remember telling him to go to work first, thinking that maybe it was false labor since the pain was bearable. He gave me a check before going to work at 7, and found that I was already 4cm dilated. (Can actually admit to hospital by 3cm, where the Dr can start to administer drugs etc to help speed the labor process)

At that point, he started to panic, knowing that the time is very near. He calmed himself down by going out to get me "Wan Ton Mee" for breakfast which will be my last 'outside' meal for at least the whole entire month of August. By 8.30am, I admitted myself to a private hospital (Adrian doesn't trust public services), walking myself from the car park to the ward even though I was offered a wheelchair. (Ha ha, at that time, I didn't want to be seen as a weakling and I wanted to prove that I was still able to cope with the pain)

I went straight into labor room where a sister attended to me. She wasn't exactly a nice person, feeling agitated most of the time when I didn't understand her instructions. This was mainly due to my lack of exposure to some Cantonese terms, esp. medical ones. But her attitude defiantly took 180 degrees turn, when the question about Adrian's occupation popped up and that he himself checked my dilation. Quickly, she wanted to know whether he was a practicing O&G. And to think that I would be getting better service at a private hospital! What luck!

At the same time, outside, Adrian who was running around finalizing my admission, was getting a lousy treatment from a particular nurse. She even refused to let him enter the labor room initially, saying, "What’s the hurry? She won't be delivering so soon." It was then, that he told her off, saying, "I am a doctor. I have already checked her at 7 and she's 4cm dilated." Immediately, there was a change of attitude. He was allowed to enter and was being addressed Dr and by smiles.

Anyway, inside the labor room, the nasty sister took my medical history, BP, administer a solution into my anus to clear my bowels, and did a CTG for me (this is to monitor the fetal's heartbeat and movement during contractions for a period of time). By the time all this was done, it was already 10 and time for the Dr to do his morning round. I was told that the dilation increased only slightly, just a little more than 4cm. I was offered epidural (a spine injection that would be able to ease my pain without knocking me out unconscious) but I took a deep breath, and decided to brave it - telling myself that it's just another 5cm more. I think I’m more terrified by the thought of a needle going into my spine than the labor pain itself. Plus, the injection cost a bomb. Something like a thousand for a dose which can only last bout 2hours.

By noon, the nurse came in and this time offered me some painkillers. Turning to Adrian for advice, he said that this drug will make me sleepy and may cause the baby to go into distress. Hearing the side effects that it may have on baby Shawn, I decided to skip this one too, at least for the time being.

Since they were serving lunch, I decided to have lunch instead to get my mind off the pain. So in between my contractions, Adrian was feeding me rice with chicken, fish and vegetable, plus an apple for dessert too. Thinking back, it was rather hilarious. I was in pain, yet I still managed to eat my lunch.

By the time it was 1, I couldn't bear the pain anymore. I finally gave in. The nurse came to check on my dilation before allowing the painkiller to be administered. It was still barely 5cm. I was devastated. Thinking to myself, if this continues at this speed, I don't think I'll be able to last. I may have to opt for epidural or my worst nightmare, a c-section. I was then wheeled into the delivery room where I was again checked by yet another sister. This time I was told I was already 7-8cm dilated. We were relieved. Knowing that I only have another 2-3cm more, gave me the additional strength. Clearly, the initial result by the 1st nurse must have been wrong. Once the drug kicked in, I managed to power nap in between my contractions.

At around 2.10, I felt a strong urge to push, like I have to clear my bowels. I started to push whenever the contraction came as instructed by the sister, even before the Dr came. When the Dr arrived, he did an episiotomy (a cut made at the vagina to ease the baby out and to avoid a bigger tear). But since my lower portion felt like it was on fire, I didn't feel the cut. Maybe Adrian's distraction also helped. By the 5th contraction, it was finally over. Baby Shawn Yeo Wai Hoong came out at 2.33pm weighing 2.91kg, and measured 50cm. After that, I couldn't really remember whether I pushed or the Dr removed the placenta. But he did stitch me back up. This was nothing as compared to the pain I felt earlier. Plus, the amazing feeling of giving birth to my very own flesh and blood.

All glory goes to God!


erik said...

hey guys!

ei lynn, that was an awesome testimony you wrote! was very educated and blessed! pharmacists know nuts about labour :P at least me la.

glad u all went through it well. and the lunch was quite funny, hehe.

adrian proud of u too! think u did well. medical training definitely paid off. btw, wat was the second drug they offered - pethidine?

been interesting reading ur blog. will pop in once in a while.

have a blessed parenthood guys! God bless both of u to be awesome parents!


yup its pethidine

crazyyakuzaishi said...

aiyor erik..just kamching with the O&G MO and get yourself into the delivery room la.. then next time you'll know wat to expect when your wife goes for SVD! haha..

adrian.. you don't trust public hospitals because of the staff? eh u're a gomen servant too mah..hahaha.. u gotta trust your colleagues.. kidding kidding..

ei lynn.. shawn's God's gift to you and adrian.. i don't think i can endure the pain la.. *faintz*.. way to go momma!!


who is this?

Our Journey said...

hey, i met a few nasty nurses too but unfortunately, hubby's occupation didn't help. so, he had to "TALK" to them :P